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Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

July 26, 2024

Addiction/Job Loss/Marriage

My husband lost his job today. He is struggling with addiction so it was not a huge surprise. I pray that we can find affordable health insurance, that my husband will be able to beat his addiction with Gods help and will be able to be employed again. Pray that our marriage can weather this storm.

July 25, 2024

Meth Addiction

I pray for my ex that he sees what his meth addiction has been doing to his brain and to his health. I pray he'll stop accusing me of being a liar and dishonest when in fact he's hallucinating. I pray that he finds hope, faith and he come to realized that I care for him. Please heal him of this addiction. Speak to his heart and give him the strength to break his chain.

July 25, 2024


Please pray for an upcoming appointment with my surgeon that everything is okay and I won’t need further surgery.

July 24, 2024

Job, family and relationships

Please pray for me and my job, I have been stressed out about the very few hours I’ve been putting in. And my family, for my mom and dad that they will learn to communicate with each other. And my siblings, that God will guide them. And my relationships with friends, coworkers and this new guy I’m talking to, that God will guide me. Amen❤️

July 24, 2024

My aunt

Please pray for my Aunt Eva, she is struggling at work because of her coworkers. Praying for peace and comfort for her. In Jesus’s name, Amen

July 24, 2024

Job for daughter

Please pray for my daughter to find a job. She has been looking for a job that is right for her for a while now and not finding anything available.

July 23, 2024

Dad battling lymphoma

Please lift up my dad in prayer, he is battling Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. His second chemo treatment is tomorrow. The tumor is on his lower spine and around some nerves, which has caused his left leg to go numb, so he's been in rehab the last few weeks to build up his strength and get back some functionality. Pray that the chemo treatments are effective and the tumor shrinks so he can regain functionality in his leg. Please also lift up my mom, who is struggling with this entire process. Pray for strength for my entire family as we navigate this challenging season.

July 22, 2024


Please pray that our marriage be restored and that we live together again

July 21, 2024

God Blesses Us With A Home

I'm a single mom of a 13 yr old. We are homeless and looking for a home for about two weeks now. Then my ex says he's moving out of state. Now I have to find a home for not only my 13yr old and myself but now I'm the primary care taker of our 22 yr old quadriplegic son. Without my Faith I don't know where I would be. Please pray we get a home.

July 21, 2024

So much hurt

Please say a prayer for God to touch the heart of a friend who has done me wrong. I still love her and care about her and really want to see things restored. I want her to know that whatever she is going through, I will forgive her and will stay by her side. She is very important to me so please just say a prayer for her and our situation.