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Revelation Song

Phillips Craig & Dean

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Jordan St. Cyr

Listen to Jordan St. Cyr’s ‘Weary Traveler’ if you are feeling hopeless

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Gabrielle Schulenberg

Has a song ever entered your life and rewired your mentality? The lyrics might ring in your ears during a time of trial, providing a soundtrack of hope in a dark moment. Perhaps the tune even becomes your victory song when you’ve finally reached the end of a long battle.

That song will forever have a spot in your heart because it’s linked to an experience that altered who you are. God speaks through those lyrics in a powerful reminder of who He is!

Songwriter Jordan St. Cyr created a song that speaks into many lives. His worship song “Weary Traveler” ignites hope in the hearts of those whose fire is dimming. Its lyrics sing directly into your soul.

Jen Green, co-host of Life 107.1’s morning show, reminisces about the personal impact this song had on her life. Sick and exhausted from life, she turned on the radio and heard the song “Weary Traveler.”

“When Jordan St. Cyr started singing, I’m pretty sure he was singing to me,” Jen remembered. “Even if I’d tried, I couldn’t have stopped the tears.”

Whether it’s COVID-19, relationship troubles, or trauma of any sort, “Weary Traveler” reminds us to pause, lay down our heavy burdens, and find complete rest in the hope of Christ. He is with us. He is coming for us. We will meet Him in heaven someday.

This song calls to those who are alone, tired, maybe even a bit scared. The people who are dragging themselves along desperately, just trying to make it to the next week, the next day, or even the next hour. Maybe you feel like a weary traveler too.

Jordan St. Cyr has felt like a weary traveler himself.

Not only is touring exhausting at times, but Jordan also has a daughter, Emery, who has a rare chronic brain condition.

Born in 2018, Emery has experienced seizures since she was a baby. These terrifying events eventually led doctors to perform an MRI. The physicians found that the left side of her brain wasn’t receiving blood flow.

Jordan has had to endure the most heart-wrenching times watching his precious daughter. He said in an interview:

“It’s just this undercurrent of stress and trauma in our lives, and it just wears you out…. My wife is the weary traveler … I’m the weary traveler.”

Each step forward can feel like a leap in these trials. How can you possibly keep going when there seems to be nothing but pain?

No more searching
Heaven’s healing’s gonna find where all the hurt is
When Jesus calls, we’ll lay down all our heavy burdens
Carry on
(Jordan St. Cyr, “Weary Traveler”)

This life may not be easy. In fact, your life on earth was never supposed to be easy. But if you let the pain draw you toward Jesus, He will ease your load until He vanquishes the sorrow, the pain, and the trauma.

Thankfully, we have a compassionate God. The struggles you endured in your current reality try to isolate you. They speak lies into your heart and encourage you to live in fear, a fear that quakes inside your fragile skin. But our Savior scoops us into His arms and whispers warmth into our shivering souls.

Weary traveler, restless soul
You were never meant to walk this road alone
It’ll all be worth it, so just hold on
Weary traveler You won’t be weary long
(Jordan St. Cyr, “Weary Traveler”)

Much like in John Bunyan’s infamous book The Pilgrim’s Progress, we are only traversing this life to get to the Lord’s “Celestial City.” Along the way, we will encounter tough times, but once we reach the destination, we are home. Truly home.

But we can find peace on earth, even though the journey can be long and exhausting. When we dwell in God’s Word, He comforts us. Psalm 66:12 and 16 say:

“… we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance… Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.”

All throughout the Bible-and especially in the Psalms-you can see how God provides faithfully for those who turn their hearts toward Him. In fact, one of the greatest weapons of peace is thankfulness.

In Philippians 4:7, you will read of “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding.” That peace comes from dwelling in God’s goodness “with thanksgiving.” You might’ve experienced the rest that comes from knowing who God is and allowing yourself to truly sink into His goodness. It is uncanny. It is a peace unlike any other.

Jen shared more of her own experience with weariness:

“… in those quiet sick moments, I absorbed the stillness. I thought about all God has done for me in the last three years: He’s seen me through a divorce, a pandemic, and losing one of my best friends to cancer. Thinking it through, I got a little overwhelmed and started thanking Him for every big and little blessing. I found that you can be miserably sick and profoundly grateful at the same time.”

It could be that your weariness is God’s way of asking to be let in. He wants to remind you that He is present and able to hold all things together-even if it seems like it’s all falling apart.

Maybe you need to sink into your weariness today. Instead of desperately flinging yourself toward the next task, try resting. Open your Bible. Write down a list of what God has done in your life lately. Just let God hold you today.

If you enjoy our March song of the month, “Weary Traveler,” you are sure to enjoy the Christian music we play every day. Join the Music Team to have a say in what new music we play. Stream Life 107.1 on our website, on our app, or on the air for more songs that will give you joy, peace, and encouragement today!