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Freedom In Prayer

I pray for the day my daughter Skylar forgives, let’s go of her pain, & sees Gods goodness in her life becoming closer to family, faith & her sister Olivia. My failure to see her pain in the midst of chaos & crisis coming from a broken home navigating life without the support of family, church & God as my guiding force led me through some troubling times in our lives where Gods grace & mercy found me. I pray for my daughter Olivia to believe she is worthy, she hasn’t been abandoned that God will restore her & bring her out of the darkness so she may be a shining light in this dark world. That she may break chains, generational sin, relenting her will, repenting & asking for forgiveness. May she know falling isn’t where you stay, it’s how you stand up again & again with a smile shaming the devil. May our prayers to give safe homes, love, life & laughter to the lost hold true for all those whom are coming from broken homes, broken spirits, that we are ALL children of God his love is good. I pray I may walk in VICTORY overcoming with love, peace, joy & prosperity giving glory to GOD always!